Consumers cut back as confidence tumbles

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According to new figures from YouGov, 61% of Brits expect the UK economy to worsen this year, and many are already looking at cutting down on non-essentials like takeaway meals, gym memberships and coffee shop visits*. More than two thirds (67%) of us have already started to save, or plan to start, of which three in five (61%) aren’t building … Read More

Survey shows £300 bill for back-to-school basics

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School might be out for summer but there’s a lesson still to be learned about the importance of pre-term budgeting. It comes after a recent survey from Equifax (September, 2016) found the combined cost of parents getting their children ready for September is nearly £300*. From new uniforms to stationery, sports gear to getting a new school bag, the research … Read More

Credit card borrowing on the rise

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UK households had a combined credit card debt of £66.7bn in the year to November, figures from the Bank of England show. The Bank’s monthly Money and Credit report claims consumer credit, which includes car loans and second mortgages as well as credit cards, has risen at its fastest rate in 11 years, up 10.8% over the last 12 months … Read More

19 million people in the UK don’t have an approach to budgeting

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A study by insurance company Royal London (released in January 2017) revealed that 19 million people in the UK don’t have an approach to budgeting that they feel works*. The research also found that almost a third (30%) of the UK population struggle to keep up with bills. The findings are particularly timely following research from the Trades Union Congress … Read More